Appointment Reminder Launches - Congrats Patrick
Startups Death = Death From 1,000 Cuts
You hardly ever hear of a startup that just goes *poof* one day and suddenly implodes. The more common occurrence are a series of bad decisions by management and/or the founders. This also applies to larger companies too.
I Would Never Work for Jason Calacanis
Screw Uniques and Pageviews; New Metric: Revenue Per Month
Ark Hotel (15 Story) in Shanghai, China Built in 6 Days
God bless Capitalism. Even if it is of the ‘state directed’ variety.
Can Bing Steal Google’s Traffic by Using Adwords?
Best Trick Play Touchdown Ever?
When Do You Lose Credibility? Message to InDinero
As a general entity – i.e. a person, for-profit & non-profit organization – credibility comes down to simply doing what you say you are going to do, and the converse – not doing what you say you wouldn’t. Politicians tend to face this crisis all too often. But so do companies. The following example is one such case.
I have been a long time subscriber to But, for some reason, I just stopped using it some time ago. Six months after not logging in, in a while, I got this message:
At first, I was a bit shocked – because the subject of this email was “ACTION REQUIRED – Your Weekly Financial Summary from”. This was the second time I was getting this email. The first time I got it, six months prior, I quickly logged in. This time, even though I was shocked, I realized that my account was not worth it enough to cause me to stop doing what I am doing right now to log in. I said I would do it later, and I never got around to it. So I got another one of these messages the following week.
After the 6th week, I started to question the credibility of the threat. Funnily enough, by threatening to cancel my account 6 weeks in, and not canceling it makes me want to cancel it – because it erodes the value proposition. Five months later, and I am still receiving these email threats on a weekly basis. Here is the latest:
Needless to say, I will likely send them a message requesting them to delete my account and take me off of their mailing list.
Word to the wise: InDinero, you say you are the for businesses. There are many things Mint has done right. This is not one of them. Please learn from their mistakes. You show much promise.
A Notepad in HTML & CSS Only
Ever wanted to have a nice, clean looking notepad – that scales with the amount of elements you need to write on it – in HTML & CSS? So did I for the startup I am working on. Could I find anything? Nope. So, I made one. It’s nothing fancy, and should look pretty close to this:
The notepad was designed by the wonderful Andree Blixt.
To see an online demo, check it out here. It is released under the MIT license, so do what you want with it. The only thing I ask is for attribution. Also, please feel free to suggest updates/tweaks/enhancements especially to show multiple pages and adding jQuery animation if you would like (either in the comments or emailing me directly).
To get the files, download them from github here.
Enjoy :)